A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night at the Honky Tonk in Pilsen three of my friends played a set of loose, meandering tunes. I’ve never heard them all play together but I’ve heard (and sketched) Azita, Sam, and Bill play dozens of times around Chicago over the last 20 years. We’re spoiled withContinue reading “Smartphone Surrender”
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Erratic Behavior
Before I tell you about what happened—or rather didn’t happen—this weekend, early last week Make Literary Magazine published a piece I wrote about spending time at Jinx Coffee in the late ’90s. I’ve logged a lot of time at a lot of coffee shops but that one was probably the one that mattered most. Also: This coming FridayContinue reading “Erratic Behavior”
Another painting of someone else’s house
So a guy on Instagram so a commissioned painting I did of someone’s apartment building a few weeks ago and ordered one of his house. If a few of his fellow homeowners follow suit and some more pet-parents want their progeny immortalized I may just manage to stay unemployed! At my own home I’ve beenContinue reading “Another painting of someone else’s house”