I shared the stage at the Hideout once with legendary photographer Art Shay and legendary artist/actor/poet Tony Fitzpatrick for an event which was billed as an evening with legendary Chicago artists. I took my sketchbook up on stage figuring I’d be lucky to get a solitary word in with those two legendary talkers on theContinue reading “Blather”
Monthly Archives: April 2018
where I get my ears lowered
The first barbershop I can recall going to more than once was on Harvard Street in Allston, up the block from Herrall’s Ice Cream. The man who ran it was perpetually ill-shaven and the windowsill of his shop was littered with springs, wires. screws, and other discarded innards of watches he mended as a sideContinue reading “where I get my ears lowered”
Black Emerald
Monday morning I showed up at the Skylark with my coffee and breakfast sandwich to babysit the bar as it was being prepped for a film shoot. I’d bartended the night before and seen the newly-green walls and faux-Irish bar decor. I’d listened to the grumbling of the regulars and watched the dumbfounded glances ofContinue reading “Black Emerald”