Here are a few things which distracted me for an hour or three from the relentless shitshow that was 2017. MUSIC I listen to music every day. It’s one of the main things which keeps me (my version of) sane. I ripped probably a couple hundred CDs from the library this year. Helps that they letContinue reading “Listicle”
Monthly Archives: December 2017
Song of Myself
I never thought much about Walt Whitman or poetry on the written page of any kind for that matter. Of course I’ve heard the famous bits and pieces over the years, they’re almost unavoidable, but I have to admit I’d never sat down and read an entire poem of Whitman’s until a couple Saturdays agoContinue reading “Song of Myself”
The USPS lost & found my painting
I make a not insignificant chunk of my living painting pet portraits. I can’t recall how I got into that racket but it’s been good to me. There are many more people out there who want their dog immortalized than people who want to look at pictures of somebody else’s cluttered bookshelves. I’m not happyContinue reading “The USPS lost & found my painting”