Hecht et cetera

A while back, Aaron from the Dial Bookshop asked me to do some more Chicago author portraits for the store. I had done one for each month last year, but the wall they hang on had some room near the ceiling, so, out of horror vacui or completism, Aaron thought we should fill the restContinue reading “Hecht et cetera”

The Perception of Doors

I finished a painting the other day and kept thinking it looked so familiar. And not in the usual way. By now, thirty-plus years in, there are several recurring motifs. Books, window views, rooms, coffee shops, public transportation—these and a few others are what I do. Variations on a theme. Repeat repeat repeat. The new painting isContinue reading “The Perception of Doors”

Storage Wars

A text woke me at 8am. It was a friend asking if I knew anyone who wanted to make some money loading boxes of photographs from a storage space onto a truck. I went back to sleep for a couple hours. When I got up, there was another text, as well as an email. IContinue reading “Storage Wars”