Patches of Fugue

About 8 or 9 years ago, on MySpace, I got to be friendly with Edgar Breau, the singer and guitarist of the legendarily forgotten ’70s Canadian band Simply Saucer. He liked my paintings and told me he’d like to use one for a CD cover for a forthcoming solo recording. I did some sketches and theContinue reading “Patches of Fugue”


Few people these days would call this thing a spigot these days, but it’s an old word I like so that’s reason enough to make it the name of this new painting (I also originally thought to call this week’s newsletter “Staring into the Void” but reconsidered.) Coming up with titles for pictures is aContinue reading “Spigot”

van Vertigo

I won’t bore you with show sketches this week but if you want you can always see the newest ones here. I wrote about the ridiculous over-marketing of van Gogh for the Reader, reviewed Hillary Chute’s book about how comics portray war for the Trib, and stopped by my pal Nick’s radio show to chat. I haven’t watched Vertigo since longContinue reading “van Vertigo”