I’ve been spending a lot of the time at the Skylark lately. I have two weekly shifts working door there, as well as the occasional fill-in shift if one of the other doormen need a night off. So, as with any place I spend significant time at, there will inevitably be drawings and paintings. I can only do small sketches during work shifts, but I’ve started coming in early or on off days to work on paintings as well. Not sure yet how many there’ll be, but this is the first finished one. I’ve made prints of it available here.

Luc Sante has been one of my favorite writers for many years. I shared my review of his new book with you a couple weeks back. Thursday he came to town for a reading and talk, moderated by my friend JC Gabel. Afterwards, we all went for a drink at a bar where another friend (Bill Savage) bartends. It’s a great thing when someone who’s work you admire also turns out to be a good guy. Luc and I had a good talk about the immigrant experience, music, and other things, in between drinks and takeout from Hema’s Kitchen, which JC was kind enough to deliver to the bar.

Speaking of that bar, Bill commissioned me to do this painting of it for the owner. It may well be gracing its walls within a week or two. Meanwhile, if you’re fond of Cunneen’s, or just like this painting, you may procure a print of it right here…