I’m working on the things that will go up on the walls of the bar in June. It’s still primarily student-time paintings altered/improved with gesso, acrylic, tape, marker, and bits of ephemera but it’s slowly changing.

I don’t know that I can pinpoint how these are different than the ones I made a year or two ago but they are. Maybe a little denser, less direct, more hermetic. I don’t know.

What I know is that I will run out of these old paintings and drawings to mangle this year or next. Then, it will be curious to find out what part of this remix/collage thing remains in how I make pictures. I can’t imagine it will ever entirely go away but can see it going more subterranean, internal. Already, new drawings I’m unsatisfied with get cycled into the new pieces rather than just discarded.

Those two skulls in the painting at the top of the letter are fragments from drawings I made in my portrait class at Dominican. They hung on the studio wall a couple weeks, then got cut up for the cause.

It’s spring break this week and rather than go rage in Fort Lauderdale I’m going to take part in a reading series. Tuesday Funk has been going over a decade and I’ve read there three or four times before. It’s a receptive audience in a welcoming room. I can’t say that for most lit world events.

Many never restarted after lockdown, so I’m grateful that Andrew and Eden got their ship sailing again.

If you’re reading this Monday, come hear me read from my last couple books tomorrow at the Hopleaf.

Talked with Mallory about Nadja. Read a few more pages from Perec’s Life: A User’s Manual into a microphone.

Made some recommendations at the bookstore.