Back behind the stick

Sunday, a few hours after I take down my art from the Rainbo Club, Jimmy calls to ask if I can fill in as second bartender. The doorman’s sick and no one else is available. It’s a call I’d expected many months back but had mostly given up on. It comes nine months after IContinue reading “Back behind the stick”


Old friends sit around a picnic table in a pocket park in Pilsen. I ride up on my bike. It’s a few minutes before the dance class is to start. Wendy has been leading them out here a few years. Pieces of particle board are spaced a few inches apart to give dancers the chanceContinue reading “Dance”


Not long after my ex Deborah and my brother Boris built my website in late 2003, I found out about Statcounter. It was a program that counted how many people looked at the things you put online. It told you which pages people looked at the most and how long they spent looking at them.Continue reading “Unquantifiable”